Mindful Yoga class – Power of Water


(Note on croatian: ovdje je najava joga programa koji će se održati na engleskom jeziku – svi su dobrodošli. Potrebna je prijava)

The power of water in our body is connected with a feeling of deep relaxation and a powerful balancing flow of life force.

Welcome to the beautiful “Antoničin mlin” for a two-hour Mindful Yoga practice of energization exercises, relaxation, gentle stimulative exercises, yoga positions, breathing exercises and meditation on the power of water.

Open yourself to a new experience!

Date: 09.06.2023. (Friday)

Hour: morning, from 9:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m.

Place: Antoničin mlin

Adress: Petra Krešimira IV 20, Žrnovnica

Price: 10 €

Teacher: Nikola Drviš-Grk

Application for the program (Ana):

00385 95 888 27 47, mindfulyogasplit@gmail.com

Payment information:

Podrška Zdravlju, Smiljanićeva 8, Split

Iban: HR 54 2402006 1140 472 482

“yoga class – power of water”